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Escape Sequence in C++

In this blog, we will study the purpose of escape sequence in C++ programming language with the help of examples to implement them and their types and uses.

Escape Sequence

Escape sequences in C++ are character combinations that comprise a backslash (\) followed by some character or symbol. They give results such as getting to the following line or a TAB space. 

The table of Escape sequences of C++ is as follows:

Escape sequenceName
\aAlarm (Beep, bell)
\fForm Feed
\rCarriage Return
\nNew line
\tHorizontal tab
\vVertical tab
\’Single quote mark
\”Double quote mark
\?Question mark

Here is a details explanation of each


\a escape sequence is used to play the beep during the program’s execution.


cout << "Geek\aPeak";



In this example, the compiler will play the beep after displaying Geek and then print the Peak on the screen.


\b escape sequence is used to delete the previous character.


cout << "Geek\bPeak";



In this example, the compiler will display the output Geek on-screen, delete the last character then print the remaining output on screen: GeePeak.


\f escape sequence is used to skip to the start of the next page.

It applies mainly to terminals where the output device is a printer rather than a VDU.


\n is used to jump to the next line.


 cout << "Jum to the \nnew line" <<endl;


Jum to the 
new line

For more about the new line character, refer to this blog and also a detailed explanation about endl and many more.


\r called carriage return display the output after erasing the number of elements from the start, same as after the carriage return escape sequence and reverse it. Let’s understand it with an example.


cout << "This is for the carriage return \rescape sequence" <<endl;


escape sequence carriage return 

In the above example, the compiler first displays the output after the carriage return escape sequence, then the remaining after deduction of the number of elements from the start, same as after the carriage return sequence.

There were 15 characters after the \a, including spaces, and 32 before the \a, so the compiler deducts the 15 characters, including spaces from 32, and prints the remaining elements.

another example

cout << "Geek on peak is on the \rtop of lallantop" <<endl;


top of lallantopon the


\t is used to insert the tab(horizontal tab) in string or text.


  cout << "Geekon\tPeak" <<endl;


Geekon Peak


\v is used to insert the vertical tab in string or text.


cout << "Escape sequence" <<endl;
cout << "\vGeekonPeak" <<endl;


Escape sequence



\’ is used to display the single quote mark in the text.


cout << "Geek\'s Property" <<endl;


Geek's Peak


\” is used to display the double quotation mark in the text.


cout << "\"GeekonPeak\"" <<endl;




\? is used to display the question mark in the text.


cout << "Who is he\?" <<endl;


Who is he?

Follow up

So here we got to know all about the escape sequence in the C++ programming language. The escape sequence made the programming easier to express some symbols and many more without any problem. So, you’ve done it well. Practice it once on your compiler/onlinegdb to understand and grasp it well, as coding is all about practicality, and theory alone doesn’t render the result and enhance the learning.

Similarly, you must also know that GeekonPeak has just begun and is looking for some loyal supporters so we, the new-gen geeky friends, can grow and create more extensive and easy-to-grasp courses for you (for free). You can follow us on FacebookInstagram & Twitter as well. Also, don’t miss our newsletter subscription. We provide exclusive blogs, tips, tricks, and advice to program efficiently and market smartly. We also promote some of our partners with excellent experiences to share with you. Until next time 🙂.

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