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Logical Operator in C++

Programming is truly the field of testing your skills and teasing your brain. The deeper you’ll go into programming, the more you realize that programming’s all about applying logic, developing interesting algorithms, teasing your mind by encountering new challenges and situations, and gaining next-level confidence by overcoming them and getting a robust solution.

Logic is an essential part of programming. It starts with thinking which emerges with an idea, and then the programmer expresses and elaborates the idea in the LOC (Lines of code) to implement the idea into reality.

But here we are talking about the logical operators, which are the base of any logical operation within our programming. They are easy to learn and understand, and when you get used to them, your programming will get far better as your core concepts got a new companion on their side.

There are three types of logical operators in C++ programming.

  • && (AND)
  • || (OR)
  • ! (NOT)

Logical Operators: Quick Overview

  • In Programming, we use logical operators to analyze a situation and get a boolean value (true/false) out of it as a result/output. 
  • It depends on the operator we use to obtain the result, as all three operators work differently. 
  • We use them to set logic between variables to build the correct flow of the program. It allows us to control the program’s execution how we want; thus, it provides control of the whole program.
  • In programming, we refer to the value “0” as false and the value “1” as true. 

AND Operator

We use && “and” operator when we want to execute the flow of code while all the situations are true. It will only return the value as “true” if all the situations encountered by the operator are true. If any one of the situations goes false, the final result will be false.



We also have the concept of Truth Table to make the concept more understandable and clear.

Truth Table of && Operator

Case 1 000
Case 2010
Case 3100
Case 4111

As we know, in programming, the boolean value “0” means false, and “1” signifies the value as true.

Here in the truth table, we assume that there are two variables: “a” and “b,” and we have the result of the operator. Both variables bear the boolean value, and the operator evaluates the result based on its functionality.

Case-wise Working

  • In the First Case, as both a and b are false, the result of a&&b will be false.
  • In the Second Case, the value of a is false, but the value of b is true; as we know in the “andoperator, we need both operators to be true to obtain the result as true; therefore, the result of a&&b will be false.
  • In the Third Case, the value of a is true, but the value of b is false; again, as we know in the “andoperator, we need both operators to be true to obtain the result as true; therefore, the result of a&&b will be false.
  • Finally, in the Fourth case, the value of a is true. Therefore, the result of a&&b will be true.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int g = 8;
    int p = 12;

    cout << ((g == 0) && (g > p)) << endl;
    cout << ((g == 0) && (g < p)) << endl;
    cout << ((g == 8) && (g > p)) << endl;
    cout << ((g == 8) && (g < p)) << endl;

    return 0;



OR Operator

We use the || “or” operator when we want to execute the flow of code while any of the situations are true. It will return the value as “true” if any of the situations encountered by the operator is true. If all situations are false, the final result will be false.



We also have the concept of Truth Table to make the concept more understandable and clear.

Truth Table of || Operator

Casesaba | | b
Case 1 000
Case 2011
Case 3101
Case 4111

As we know, in programming, the boolean value “0” means false, and “1” signifies the value as true.

Here in the truth table, we assume that there are two variables: “a” and “b,” and we have the result of the operator. Both variables bear the boolean value, and the operator evaluates the result based on its functionality.

Case-wise Working

  • In the First Case, as both a and b are false, the result of a||b will be false.
  • In the Second Case, the value of a is false, but the value of b is true; as we know in the “oroperator, we need any operator to be true to obtain the result as true; therefore, the result of a||b will be true.
  • In the Third Case, the value of a is true, but the value of b is false; again, as we know in the “oroperator, we need any operator to be true to obtain the result as true; therefore, the result of a||b will be true.
  • Finally, in the Fourth case, the value of a is true. Therefore, the result of a||b will be true.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int g = 8;
    int p = 12;
    cout<< ((g == 0) || (g > p))<<endl;
    cout<< ((g == 0) || (g < p))<<endl;
    cout<< ((g == 8) || (g > p))<<endl;
    cout<< ((g == 8) || (g < p))<<endl;
    return 0;



Not Operator

Not operator is quite different from the other two.

We use the ! “not” operator when we want to reverse the result.

We usually use, ! (not) operator to obtain the true value when the condition is not satisfied and the false value when the condition is satisfied successfully.



We also have the concept of Truth Table to make the concept more understandable and clear.

Truth Table of ! Operator

Case 110
Case 201

Case-wise Working

  • In the First Case, as both a is true, therefore result of !a will be false.
  • In the Second Case, the value of a is false; therefore the value of !a will be true.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int g = 8;
    int p = 12;

    // Reversing Basic Value

    bool a = true;
    cout << !a << endl;

    // Reversing AND Outputs

    cout << !((g == 0) && (g > p)) << endl;
    cout << !((g == 0) && (g < p)) << endl;
    cout << !((g == 8) && (g > p)) << endl;
    cout << !((g == 8) && (g < p)) << endl;

    // Reversing OR Outputs

    cout << !((g == 0) || (g > p)) << endl;
    cout << !((g == 0) || (g < p)) << endl;
    cout << !((g == 8) || (g > p)) << endl;
    cout << !((g == 8) || (g < p)) << endl;

    return 0;


0 	//Basic Value


We’ve studied the basics of the logical operators in C++. It’s an achievement for the students and students shall appreciate themselves to be able to study and comprehend till here, also special thanks to the students who were able to keep up till here. But don’t stay down! It’s just the beginning; we have a long way to go and crack something great that will brew fantastic coding skills. Until then, keep learning. Stay Smart. Here’s an extra step to help you learn more effectively. 

You must also know that GeekonPeak has just begun and is looking for some loyal supporters so we, the new-gen geeky friends, can grow and create more comprehensive and easy-to-grasp courses for you (for free). Follow us on FacebookInstagram & Twitter as well. Also, don’t miss our newsletter subscription. We provide exclusive blogs, tips, tricks, and advice to program efficiently and market smartly. We also promote some of our partners with excellent experiences to share with you. Until next time 🙂

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