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The Ultimate Roadmap for C++ Programming 2024


Programming plays a huge role in developing the human mindset. It connects various logic to form a sensible piece of code that makes the computer act for us. C++ Coding allows the computer and the programmer to communicate and understand each other Hence, welcome to the journey of becoming “Computer’s Best Friend.” Here you’ll have to use logic and language to instruct your computer to perform extraordinary tasks for you. C++ roadmap could be deceiving as it looks more straightforward, but it could be tricky or complex.

Here we’re going to cover the ultimate and the core language of the computers, i.e., C with Classes (C++)

GeekonPeak’s roadmap covers all aspects of C++. It is suitable for beginner programmers. The list of resources includes blogs, video tutorials, online courses, and references you’ll need to cover. The map shows the recommended paths through the topics.

Introduction to C++ Programming

The secret room for the powerful developer you will become; let's get the party started with the ultimate roadmap
The secret room for the powerful developer you will become; let’s get the party started with the ultimate roadmap.

C++ is one of the oldest programming languages around. Its roots go back to 1972, known as the “Standard Template Library.” Today, there are many different versions of the language, including C++11. You’ll need to start with the basics of writing code in C++. To run the code, you’ll need to install Visual Studio Code, i.e., the latest version. Then you’ll need to understand the language features, advantages, disadvantages, and some additional features of C++.

The good news is that all of these topics are covered by the GeekonPeak team deeply, extensively, and in a beginner-friendly way on our website only. So you’ll get the best and most easily understandable concept blog posts of C++ programming without running around anywhere. We are also working on a developer community just for you guys, so your doubts can be clarified by our experts and other developers in no time. Besides, we’re also planning to integrate a compiler tool window on our website so that you can execute the code in real-time and experience built-in code assistance.

You’ll need to study these topics to cover the introductory basics of C++.

Data Types, Variables & Core Concepts

The distortion is your clarity of the concepts. Start learning the core concepts, the image will get clear
The distortion is your clarity of the concepts. Start learning the core concepts, the image will get clear.

After you’re finished with Introductions and super basics, you’re welcome to take the second step in the path of learning programming. In this part, you should use Visual Studio 2022, i.e., the latest version of Visual Studio Code, as your Integrated Development Environment (IDE). In the last part, you should’ve already gone through Setting up and using Visual Studio Code. It is a handy tool for performing code analysis checks to capture your mistakes. It also helps you improve the code readability in the code bases created by the programmer. You can also install various extensions to extend the functionality of the IDE, for example, performing code insights in the hunks of code of your source code.

Even after that, if you’re encountering some error, you may seek assistance from GeekonPeak’s Developer Community (comments section for now) or StackOverflow/Google to obtain correction and feedback on code problems.

While going through this section of the roadmap, you’ll need to learn about the data type, which are the core concepts of programming.

You’ll need to study these topics to cover the Datatypes, Variables, and Constants of C++.

Operators in C++

The masked men act as operators; hence they'll help you code better
The masked men act as operators; hence they’ll help you code better.

An operator is a function that takes two inputs (sometimes one) and returns another value. There are three types of operators in C++, binary, unary, and ternary. Operators are again the basic and the core concept of C++, but they shall be used as instructed. Operand in C++ is the variable or expression that is operated upon by an operator. The operands are evaluated before the operation is performed.

C++ can encounter some operator-based errors. Providing incorrect values for performing logically incorrect tasks, like dividing a number by zero, can cause memory errors and performance issues in your program.

We also have a mechanism in C++ to counter these performance issues, but it’s again an advanced concept. For now, as a beginner, make sure not to make these mistakes and increase your developer productivity.

Here are the topics you’ll need to study to gain precise knowledge of operators in C++.

Arrays & Vectors

The simple yet complex world of Arrays & Vectors
The simple yet complex world of Arrays & Vectors.

After getting exposure to operators, let’s learn about one of the best features of the developer community. Hence, Arrays & Vectors!

Arrays are data structures that allow us to store multiple values at once. They provide a way to represent collections of elements, such as numbers or strings. In C++, they are usually implemented using pointers (a type of variable) instead of integers. We can also say that arrays are the “memory allocators” in C++ as they help us store various sets of values in the computer.

An array is simply a collection of variables called elements. Each element has a name, a value, and a position in the array. The number of elements determines the size of the array.

A vector is a dynamic array in C++ that grows automatically to hold new elements. A vector has no fixed size, unlike arrays. The term “vector” refers to a data structure that stores multiple values (or elements) in sequential order.

A vector is a dynamic array. Unlike other arrays, where each element has its address, a vector uses pointers to reference the actual memory locations where the elements reside. This makes them much faster than arrays because they don’t require repeated data copying. 

Conditional Statements & Loops

The loop goes round and round and round and round and ...., hence straightening it for your understanding in the roadmap
The loop goes round and round and round and round and …., hence straightening it for your understanding in the roadmap.

After covering the core blocks of programming and the concepts of arrays and variables, it’s time to advance your learning.

Conditional statements help you efficiently write code. A conditional statement is a particular programming language construct that allows us to write code that executes only under certain conditions. In other words, it helps control program flow.

Conditional statements allow programmers to execute some lines of code only when specific conditions are met. They also provide a way to implement loops and repeat code blocks until a condition is satisfied. 

On the other hand, loops enable us to repeatedly repeat specific actions or instructions. Loops are essential for writing programs efficiently. They allow us to repeat code multiple times without retaking it each time.

Loops are statements that repeatedly execute until certain conditions are met. For example, loops can be used to count from 0 to 100 or print out every word in a sentence.

These are two essential concepts when programming with C++ as they are the backbone of almost every industry that uses C++ programming, for example, game development and software development. Various other factors are also considered to create efficient software, like software development lifecycle, developer workflow, dynamic memory allocation, etc. These advanced concepts are derived because of conditional operators and loops themselves.

We’ll learn all of these advanced concepts of C++, but to learn these super essential concepts. You’ll have to go through these important concepts first. 

Functions in C++ Programming

A man roaming around with lights, I don't know how I resembled it with functions of C++ roadmap, but it just felt right
A man roaming around with lights, I don’t know how I resembled it with functions of C++ roadmap, but it just felt right.

Functions are a significant update in learning programming when proceeding from conditional statements and loops. Functions are a fundamental part of programming. They allow us to create programs that perform specific tasks.

We use functions to organize our code into logical units. Functions usually consist of statements that do something useful and provide a meaningful output. They work on the principles of user-defined data types; hence they are executed on getting called and may take one or more values. All functions need to return values even if the function hasn’t accepted the values. An efficient example is even the primary function is required to return a value, although it is 0 in most cases.

To get going with functions, You’ll have to go through these topics, powered by one of the best programming websites on the internet.

Strings & Pointers

The Strings and the pointers are beautifully defined in this image of a string and the lights, hence completing our C++ roadmap
The Strings and the pointers are beautifully defined in this image of a string and the lights, completing our C++ roadmap.

Strings are sequences of characters (letters) stored in memory. They are similar to arrays, except that instead of storing numbers, strings store text. Strings are also known as character arrays or sequences of characters. They store text information and are often used in computer programs.

To implement string functions such as concatenation and comparison, you should use the standard library provided by the compiler. This library contains functions that perform basic operations on strings. For example, you can concatenate two strings together using the + operator; to compare two strings, you can use the strcmp function, etc., as we’ll learn various string functions.

Pointer is a term used to refer to variables that store addresses or memory locations. In computer science, they are used to access data stored at those places. They are also called references because they point to something else.

A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another object (or other location). When you assign a value to a pointer, you get back a reference to the original object. This means that you can change the object’s contents through the pointer.

Let’s start learning and understanding Strings & Pointers using these best online blogs to learn and grasp the concepts quickly.

OOPs in C++ Programming

The subtle and delicate concepts of OOPs that you'll have to understand to learn C++ efficiently
The subtle and delicate concepts of OOPs that you’ll have to understand to learn C++ efficiently.

We’ve already talked about C++ being the “object-oriented programming language” many times, but what does that exactly mean? Let’s find this out by unveiling the OOP or OOPs concept in C++.

OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. In short, it means building software using objects. The concept was introduced in the early 1970s and has become a standard programming paradigm. OOP is widely used to build applications ranging from simple games to complex enterprise systems.

OOP is an approach to software development that uses objects to encapsulate data and behavior to hide internal structure and details for abstraction.

It allows you to create programs that are easier to understand and maintain. In C++, classes are used to define object types. A class may contain variables or methods that belong only to this type of object. You can also use inheritance to create subclasses from existing classes.

Here are the top-notch learning tutorials for the OOPs to learn from another top-notch online programming website.

File Handing in C++

 The Files are looking at you to manage them by learning file management in C++ Programming through this C++ roadmap
The Files are looking at you to manage them by learning file management in C++ Programming through this C++ roadmap.

File handling is crucial in programming. Files are data containers that store information in computer systems. They are often stored on disk drives or other storage media. Files contain text, images, sounds, video, etc. The file system stores these files in folders organized into directories.

In C++, you use file handling for two reasons: To read from or write to files. For example, if you want to store some data in a text file, you would use fopen() to open the file (which returns a FILE pointer), then you could use fread() or fwrite() to read/write data into the file. If you wanted to print something on the screen, you might use cout instead.

These tutorials will show you how to open, close, create, delete, and print files. These well-written and easy-to-learn blogs shall help you boost your knowledge to the next level.

Advance Concepts in C++ Programming

The advanced and unclear concepts of C++ that you'll learn after completing this C++ roadmap
The advanced and unclear concepts of C++ that you’ll learn after completing this C++ roadmap.

After you’ve also covered file handling, Congratulations!, You’re now on the intermediate level of C++, but your journey does not end here. There are various other paths to take for advancement in C++; hence you’ll need to get your hands dirty with advanced topics. Now you may proceed to pursue the almighty Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA). You can also go deeper into C++ by learning I/O Streams and understanding Dynamic Memory Allocation, or you can also learn STL for your advancement in C++.

Data structures and algorithms play a vital role in the development of software applications. They are also essential tools in various fields such as computer science, mathematics, economics, finance, etc. They provide a way to organize and manipulate data.


DSA is the most popular advancement C++ intermediates pursue as it has a high demand for software engineering jobs. There are lots of career options in data structure and algorithms.

Learn DSA

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL)

CLion – The ‘Best’ IDE

Why CLion is preferred over VSCode for advanced coding, The technology shift you'll experience.
Why CLion is preferred over VSCode for advanced coding, The technology shift you’ll experience.

We’ve already covered the C++ Roadmap 2024 for your convenience and mastery, but the Geek’s important and geeky advice doesn’t end here. You must’ve been using Visual Studio Code 2022 as your C++ compiler, but we strongly advise you to switch to some advanced IDE, such as CLion, for advanced development. CLion is a very favorite freemium IDE developed by Jetbrains, and it is truly an ultimate IDE.

We’ve already known things about VSCode But say Hi! to your new friend CLion. It’s a powerful tool with many features like auto-completion, code formatting, debugging, refactoring, etc. It also has code analyzation tools that help you to understand your code better as it also organizes the code in a very readable format. It also has a built-in spell-checker and improves its compatibility and bug fixes in every major release. It also has compelling and gorgeous personalization options. Besides, it has active contributors, which helps the Clion achieve quality improvements with every major update. Therefore, you must change to improve your experience, gain more power and challenge everything (AE Games). Download and Try for free now.


The dynamic roads conclude the C++ roadmap we've just discussed.
The dynamic roads conclude the C++ roadmap we’ve just discussed.

In these comprehensive blog tutorials, we will be covering the entire C++ Coding basics, from the very delicate foundations of C++ Coding to the very basics till the very end until you reach the intermediate in C++ Coding. We have covered all the aspects of C++ programming, including File Handling, Input Output Streams, Pointers, Arrays, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, OOP, Data Structure and Algorithms, and much much more. This was the best of the cpp roadmaps you’ll find on the internet, so make sure to share this with as many people as possible.

This content and detail are adequate for one complete C++ coding until the intermediate level. And for more updates in C++, you must subscribe to the Geek’s Super Xclusive Weekly Newsletters to stay updated. Stay tuned every week. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin & Twitter for more sweet and tempting updates. Until then, He’Yo Captian Kritish Signing Off and stay geeky, stay safe.



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